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1 Results For 'holiday joy'


December 06, 2009 @ (Maryland)

Tags: Holiday Joy

Back story: B/f and I have lived together for 5 years. We have been through a lot. Losing grandparents, my father having cancer, him being laid off...the list goes on. We have talked about marriage before and he always said that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.

We are at thanksgiving dinner with his family and as always the questions begin about future wedding plans. B/f flips shit and in front of his whole family tells me he is moving out, he can't handle the pressure. I still had to drive an hr to my parents house and have thanksgiving with them. I figured he just snapped with pressure of the holidays and what not. I went home around 10pm...his shits turned off.

To make things worse, his brother calls yesterday to ask me out on a date. Weirdest fucking family ever.